Monday, August 15, 2016

We no longer eat breakfast in my house

That's right. I've eliminated "breakfast" from my vocabulary. 

Yes, it's an appropriately named term for "breaking the (overnight) fast" but it's also implicitly linked to "breakfast foods" like cereals, muffins, donuts, yogurt and granola parfaits, bacon and eggs, pancakes, waffles, toast, and bagels.

Why is it that we must eat "breakfast" for breakfast?This allegiance doesn't make sense to me. I mean, we've all had "breakfast" for dinner, right? A bowl of cereal when it's too late to eat. Or pancakes for the kids because they love them. Or eggs because they're so quick and easy.

Well, then, I ask you: 

Why can't we have dinner for breakfast? 
Chili. Salmon and veggies. A salad. 

I'm here to tell you: "You can eat whatever you want for your first meal of the day." 

I will suggest that the food manufacturing companies have brainwashed us. We think breakfast fits squarely in a square box. Wrong. That's why I've stopped calling it "breakfast" and started calling it "the first meal."

Some people think their stomach is too sensitive to handle a big breakfast (which suggests some other underlying digestive concerns that I would like to speak with you about). Some people just think the suggestion is so crazy. They could never imagine eating soup and salad for breakfast. The other problem is that current "breakfast foods" are conveniently packaged in grab-and-go style to help you deal with the morning chaos. I get it. Yes, it takes time to make your own food. 

I propose a solution to "time" excuse: make an extra serving the next time you cook. Put it in a container and put it in the fridge. The next day take it with you for breakfast or better yet, eat it at your table  before leaving. Observe how you feel. Nourished? Weird? Oddly satisfied? 

You have nothing to lose with this experiment but everything to gain. You may say "I'm going to eat what I want when I want." I encourage you to vote with your fork. Stop supporting food manufacturers who destroy your health. They continue to profit at your literal and physical expense. 

I challenge you to throw caution to the wind and dare to do your first meal of the day differently than you've ever done. 

Please share what you ate, how you felt, and if you are going to do it again! 
If you want some inspiration, check out my pinterest boards, not just the one l
abeled "better breakfasts"